Peace Like A River

It was a wide river, mistakable for a lake or even an ocean unless you'd been wading and knew its current. Somehow I'd crossed it... Now I saw the stream regrouped below, flowing on through what might've been vineyards, pastures, orhards... It flowed between and alongside the rivers of people; from here it was no more than a silver wire winding toward the city. - Leif Enger, Peace Like A River

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Our Restroom

Why? Because it sure isn't Our Town.

Where I work, there are a number of engineers at one end of the floor. Now, I always say, stereotypes get to be stereotypes because they're true. Well, whatever stereotypes you hold about engineers, they're true.

One of the more amusing aspects of these engineers is the little pageant they constantly put on in the men's room. Let me introduce you to the little cast of characters.

There's Snuffly. I call him that because of his loud breathing. One day, when I'm in the men's room, there was someone else in a stall. As I'm going out, Snuffly goes
over to the stall, kinda leans in and peers through the crack, and says
"Don't see a wallet in there, do ya?" The poor guy in there, just sitting there
minding and doing his business, says "uh, wallet?".

There are Pathetic Dribble Guy and Bouncing Guy, so-called for their performances at the urinal.

There's Toothbrush Guy. One day I go in there, and he's at the urinal. With one hand he's, uh, going about his business, and with the other hand he's brushing his teeth. Yeah.

There's Heil Hitler Headset Guy. This guy always, and I mean always, walks around with a phone headset on his head. Never takes it off, even in the men's room. And the mouthpiece is always stuck up in the air like some heil hitler salute.

There's Slow Guy. This guy moves like he's swimming in molasses.

There's Flood Pants Guy. Always has on the same colored pants, which don't reach below the ankles.

Of course, there's Small Bladder Guy. He's in there every ten minutes it seems.

There are a couple more, but I want to preserve some mystery.

Engineers. Why? Whhyyy?

linked to Wizbang's open post


  • At Sat Nov 12, 11:20:00 AM, TKls2myhrt said…


    You've just told me things I do NOT want to know. At my work, I must say that men appear to talk to each other in the restroom much more than the women do. FYI, that guy looking for a wallet is NOT looking for a wallet (you've probably already figured that one out).

  • At Sat Nov 12, 05:19:00 PM, hammerswing75 said…

    Bathroom etiquette demands unobtrusiveness... unless, I guess, you're an engineer. So long as they wash their hands before touching the door handle I can deal with the rest. (Except maybe the wallet guy. Don't talk in the bathroom for goodness sakes.)

  • At Sat Nov 12, 06:21:00 PM, Jeff said…

    Believe me, I'm not doing any talking.

  • At Mon Nov 14, 03:47:00 PM, R. Stewart said…

    Ha! And that's all I'm going to say:)


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