Peace Like A River

It was a wide river, mistakable for a lake or even an ocean unless you'd been wading and knew its current. Somehow I'd crossed it... Now I saw the stream regrouped below, flowing on through what might've been vineyards, pastures, orhards... It flowed between and alongside the rivers of people; from here it was no more than a silver wire winding toward the city. - Leif Enger, Peace Like A River

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Innocence means a lack of knowledge of evil

On the way home last night, Hanna was in a singing mood, and belted out the tunes, tunes she made up on the spot. We drove by a big irrigation sprinkler watering one of the sod farms, and Hanna started singing "Oh, there's a sprinkler, it's watering, watering...". Heh.

The other night as we were tucking John into bed, Rhonda asked him how he felt about certain situations. He said "I have fear in here (and he tapped his chest), can you help me get it out?"

As a parent, when you hear that, don't you just straighten your spine a little and vow to move heaven and earth to take that fear away from your precious child? Don't you want to take the child in your arms, hold them close, and promise them nothing will ever ever hurt them?

I've noticed when you become a parent, you start to have a sense that you belong to a community of parents. You are aware that other people's children are as precious to them as yours are to you, and so you watch out for other children while they play. You stand a little taller and look about, wary, like a goose watching out for its young.

So, it is all the more incomprehensible to hear about incidents such as the recent one in Baghdad, where a terrorists deliberately made for a bunch of children crowding around some US soldiers hoping for some candy, and blew up his murderous bomb.

What kind of sick person would deliberately harm children? What has happened to them, that instead of having the same instinct I have to protect children, these murderers have no qualms about destroying children? Why do we not recognize the great evil loose in the world when it is staring us right in the face?

This incident is hardly a rarity. These bloodthirsty terrorists do not value human life, let alone the precious gift of children, as evidenced here, and here, and here and here and here and.... I don't even want to go on. There are so many more.

Again I salute the brave members in our Armed Forces for standing up to these murderous animals, these terrorists who kill and maim children. These soldiers who say to the terrorists, "You are coming for us, you are coming for our children, you are coming over the hill, but you are going to find me waiting for you, and you are going to live only long enough to regret it." God bless our soldiers, I say. It is all I can say, because only God has the resources to reward our soldiers as richly as they deserve.


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