Peace Like A River

It was a wide river, mistakable for a lake or even an ocean unless you'd been wading and knew its current. Somehow I'd crossed it... Now I saw the stream regrouped below, flowing on through what might've been vineyards, pastures, orhards... It flowed between and alongside the rivers of people; from here it was no more than a silver wire winding toward the city. - Leif Enger, Peace Like A River

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dispatch from the Front

I'd like to begin another new feature, where from time to time I will share with you some dispatches from the front.

I know someone currently fighting in Iraq, and with his permission, I'll share with you some excerpts of his emails. He's a thoughtful fellow, and I think you'll appreciate hearing the perspective of someone in the thick of it.

Just to avoid any security concerns, I won't name him, I won't say how I know him, and I won't say what unit he's in, or what he's doing there. No need to make things easy for the bad guys, who have access to the Internet too.

The big news from Iraq today was the Iraqi Constitution. Certainly there's a question as to the outcome of this adventure. Will the Sunnis participate in the political process? The Kurds and Shiites have an interest in protecting their advantages, their positions of authority, but what do the Sunnis want? Are they just trying to take as many bodies with them as they can, or do they actually think they might regain power, even though the Kurds and especially Shiites greatly outnumber them?

My correspondent says:

The sunnis first and foremost are complete idiots. By hanging on to the bankrupt dream of the baath party returning, they kept themselves out of any good chances for obtaining a piece of the pie, at least in the short term.

If anything, it's a good thing the us has been here to try and at least give them a fair shake otherwise they would have been crushed over a year ago.

This situation is similar to the collapse of soviets. All the satellites scrambled over to the EU and Nato. And the ruskies were shocked and disappointed. Did they delude themselves? Such poor treatment for so long should really be no surprise to find they want nothing to do with the russians. Likewise, The kurds and shia tribes never again want to entrust their safety and prosperity to the dubious good graces of the al tikriti tribes of this world.

I dont think the arabs are sophisticated enough to look the ground truth of reality in the face and call it what it is. They ALWAYS obfuscate and say everything will be fine. It's not just saddams propoganda that caused baghdad bob to say the ridiculous things he did during the invasion, the entire muslim world thinks this way, ie, muslims all over thought they, iraq, were going to fight hard and long and indeed the sudden collapse so shocked them it caused muslims everywhere to impugn their 'honor'. i know, i talked to alot of diffrerent types about this.

Arabs never say what they mean, many cultures are like this. Bad form and all, or from an anthropology standpoint it's just how a culture does things.

few cultures are like the americans, where we are so harshly abrupt, direct, and to the point and we get right down to business. those traits are valued by us but not always by others.

Ah, the sunnis, last year, many started tentative feelers-steps to see what they could do about coming in from the cold so to speak. rumsfeld and some other generals recently alluded to this in open news about a month ago? there've been many talks. not much fruit borne yet however.

But alot of sheiks and baathists and whatnot realized they might be better off trying it the american way because, lo and behold, these idiot clowns realized; they don't have an army anymore?! Wow, news flash, if they wanted to rise up and dominate the others, well, lets just say I had and still hope they try it because the pesh and southern militias would slaughter them, and that would pretty much take care of 99% of this insurgency. The others got a huge amount of firepower, the pesh even have tanks now, the sunnis got didley and squat. and didley left town.

The 'real' problem is iran and most elite sunnis know it! Its like after ww2 and many nazis expected the us to join forces and fight the russian commies, the 'real' big problem. when it didnt happen(although albeit it did with a cold type of conflict) they were surprised. many baathists should have-could have joined us in the struggle to keep out the greater menace of the influence of the ancient nemisis, the persians. but they didn't.

Now, irony of ironies, the sunnis have been pleading with the us to ensure their voice and concerns are met in this latest debate over the constitution. Ha! If they weren't so busy planning and attacking and causing mayhem then maybe they might have some resources and energy left to build towards a good future. But no.

Good riddance to them I say. We need to control the rise of the shia wackos who want to create a little iran here. But, unfortunately, that's the brits area and they acqueisced long long ago and its quite clear to all involved who quickly consolidated power and the us has much less influence in that region so we can't do much about it in the short term.

the good news, if any down there, is the iraqis are primarily arabs and have some type of national pride so the mullahs in iran have limits (although money buys alot of friends, influence, and intell. just ask the israelis) this was demonstrated in the iran-iraq war. the persians were surprised their shia brothers throughout the muslim world didnt rally to their revolutionary cause, indeed, the entire muslim world actually kind of ganged up on them(at the behest of the saudis who kind of call the shots being caretakers of islam and all) I am continually amazed at how the us media always seem to be a day late and a dollar short. maybe its a factor of my not having time to surf all the alternative outlets but the mainstream continually 'just doesnt get it'.

I always appreciate hearing from my correspondent, but more importantly, I admire and respect the job he, his unit, and all Americans are doing there. We salute them.

In the next dispatch, I want to look at combat, and some thoughts from the viewpoint of both combatant and those of us on the homefront.


  • At Mon Aug 22, 08:15:00 PM, Anonymous said…

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  • At Mon Aug 22, 08:40:00 PM, Anonymous said…

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  • At Mon Aug 22, 08:45:00 PM, Anonymous said…

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  • At Mon Aug 22, 08:52:00 PM, Athiea said…

    You don't find it ironic that your title has the word 'peace' and you SEEM to support the war? (I, too, support the U.S. & its soldiers in defending us, but I do not support this war.)

  • At Mon Aug 22, 09:18:00 PM, Jeff said…


    Yes, I can see how the name of the blog can seem ironic. I did support the US going into Iraq. I thought we perhaps should have gone into Iran and Syria as well. I don't think peace will come until these murderous terrorists loose in the world are either killed or captured. They have said they want to destroy us. I don't believe they will stop just because we apologize for whatever. I do believe there will not be peace until we finish this war we did not start.

    (The deleted comments are spam. Argh. I wish there would be a war against spammers.)

  • At Mon Aug 22, 11:27:00 PM, johngrif said…

    Superb political commentary. It's an insight I hadn't seen, and all the more worthwhile since it comes from other than the professional press.

    It's stupendous how the peace loving Left cannot rejoice in a real chance to erase the blood and tyranny of Arab fanaticism and give support to the rebirth of a civilized people, a civilization that is one of the world's oldest.

    Perhaps they prefer the Nazi state that was Saddam's Iraq.

  • At Tue Aug 23, 12:28:00 AM, Technomage said…

    Do you know in some cultures it is consider rude to get "down to business"? To do so is a loss of face and you are thought to be a savage for do so. You might even spend hour or even days, talking about trival things before even seeing some sort of success.

    On another note, I feel most Americans live in a bubble. Convinced the world should work just like main street, always safe and white-washed. I think it's hard for Americans understand just how good they have it and how hard it is for other people to thinkn about living life in the free way we do. It is almost as if we live on two different planets.

  • At Tue Aug 23, 10:43:00 AM, Anonymous said…

    Reflections on the commentary.
    I dont necessarily, in and of itself, find irony in the blog title. However, peace normally denotes (perhaps?) a complete abscence of any type of martial support. But this doesnt have to be the case at all times. However, the ability to achieve 'peace and stability' is actually quite complex. I would be the first to say one need not be a flag waving supporter of all or any, for that matter, war to be a supporter of what we all obstensubly want (I know, my spelling is terrible), life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This comes as no surprise, the liberalized, free 'western' world IS a beacon of hope and subsequently everyone and their family wants to immigrate there. (Personal bias note, my spouses family is just one of such an example, they left their homeland because of wack jobs taking over their country and thereby creating some very unpleasant conditions. but then again, unless you are from some american indian tribe WE all had ancestors come from some other place. Why? a better life)
    Arabs, or anyone else, I have found in meeting people from all over the world, want the simple things in life, too, just like you want a good life for you and your family. They dont "deserve" a dictator or a brutal police state anymore than you deserve a good beatdown just because of your ethnicity, or religion, etc. But thats what around the globe, people endure everyday. For various and extremely complex reasons, the US invaded (no, we arent going to do it everywhere else, even if the moral and ethical justification is equivalent. The US does, however, intervene when its vital national strategic security and economic interests are involved or at stake. If that translates to war for oil, then so be it, I am not naive enough (maybe I was when I was 18 and thought I had "it" all figured out during the 1991 war)to not realize there are always issues in war much bigger than simple patriotic slogans, even if some of those issues are unsavory, perhaps?
    (I respect Amish/Mennonites etc. I admire their convictions and believe in much of their philosophy, I really do, although at times it appears I am a mere knuckle dragging club thumping brute...
    But those types have rarely if ever achieved direct victory over evil oppression. notable examples coversely, ghandi, mlk.
    Its simply a fact of life the bigger dog sometimes must take up arms for what is Right and Just)
    Anyway, ( Superior firepower. Its not just a silly tshirt cliche. Here, its a @#@$#@%%@ fact of freakin life, at least at the local level of the world in front of your eyes. And buddy, if you dont know it yet as a fact in your heart, you will the INSTANT you get into your first firefight and you realize some guy(s) you dont even know, much less maybe can see?, are trying to kill you!!
    Imagine that?! Taking away all you have lived or worked hard or played for...a job, education, family or a chance at one someday...I have had good buddies blown away who will never get a chance to have a little baby, or get married, golf with dad or go fishing with their grandpa)
    (Yes, I digress ALOT-Let me say, maybe in the heady rush of calming down later with a smoke and (of course, here)nonalc beer you saw your life flash before your eyes. (honestly, that hasnt happened to me yet, maybe because we who are pros, if I may use that term, are too busy professionaly going about our jobs ie like laying down a base of superior fire, reloading, communicating etc all the exciting details you see in the movies.(I point this out from a perspective of reaction, common in insurgency where the bad guy often chooses how and when to engage. oh yes, we do offensive ops, but why? to thwart the bad guys violence)
    I dont know if thats a factor of training or maturity but its a simple truth, I dont say it to boast, its just what it is. as an additional aside, my immediate reaction is: I get VERY ANGRY at those dudes trying to kill my buddies and I)
    You see, when diplomacy fails or an insurgency erupts etc, civilized debate, rational discourse, and expectations of nonviolent behavior go way out the window. You cannot reason with most of these guys. The baathists want power and money and land and oil and priviledge. And they will, do, or at least are trying, kill to reacquire it.
    The other factions all have their own motivations but the facts are thus, they couldnt give a hoot about what you or I, or Washington, or Europe, or the good people of this country want. They would and do laugh in your face and call you a weak woman or a dog. (Ive heard it, Note the PC movement hasnt caught on here). Men of brute force rule these lands. It has always been that way. For centuries. They havent quite got on board with the whole modern movement of 'gentle' political battles and manuevering to get what one wants.
    What does this mean at the larger level?
    Its simple, you have to conduct war sometimes, when diplomacy fails and you must FORCE someone to do what you want. (I know the rational for war here was complicated. But, trusting the overall gist of then current intell which MOST everyone in the world agreed with (I believe now, the wmd thing, it was mostly a fake show by sadam so he could fend off the ancient foe, the persians)at the time, Sadam had been yanking the chain of the UN/US world body. He didnt comply with the 1991 ceasefire the entire 1990s, whatever we did get had to be dragged out of his regime, if you remember.
    I dont mean to say we should all be warmongers(indeed, blessed are the peacemakers... - Thats irony! You would think the Kissingers of this world would get their due since they work so hard to achieve their goals but thats not the promise)
    But one must realize after all is said and done, war is a necessary evil. (IS this one? hmm, the million dollar question, hence, we have these debates. As for me, the point is a moot academic one, at best, I AM in a war whether I like it or not and so I have to adjust fire accordingly, as the saying we say goes.)
    Yes, a succint point we did not start this war. (the war of global struggle over islamic fascist terrorism. A point binladen types do not concede of course. He/they say we did 'invade'. Which is malarky to most everyone but alas not to a turbanned wacko radical. The US(some argue differently of course, we are a neocolonial empire, I say not neocolonial but I do call a spade a spade, the US is a superpower empire the likes the world has never seen) is not seeking to dominate the world like an empire of old. The business and political leaders of the western world who planned and created for the postWW2 era and created the UN and NATO and all the other entities we have today, wanted to create a world where we all were not perpetually gripped in an endless cycle of conquest and domination brought on by the misery of constant warfare(the wise old men including pres wilson tried and largely failed after ww1 with the League of Nations(remember europe,among others, used to have wars like we have lunch). Through these agencies and by its good graces the US has been a great influence for peace and prosperity in this modern era. Dont believe me? Would you have rather now or then be under the sphere of the Soviets or other despots? Hm, I think not.
    The US seeks to create by fair and free business trade and peaceful alliances a better world for us ALL. Obviously, this pax american is enforced by the military might of our armed forces.
    I have told/asked numerous Iraqis this simple fact. Is the US (or has it ever?) stealing your oil? No.
    We have always PAID for it, by fair market price. What would the Ottomans have done/did? Taken it.
    What did the French and British do after WW1? Create puppet states and oil concessions at severe disadvantage to the locals, thus creating resentment and later instability.
    Yes, I see some ultrasocialist liberals in America with a case of Schadenfreude, they would love to see this Iraqi venture fail if just to poke a stick at policies they (rightfully can disagree with but...) oppose but these are real peoples lives here. They are in constant misery to this day. Why?
    Why? I must ask!
    The US? Ha, by Aug of 2003 they could have been well on their way to living the good life!
    WE ARE NOT CAUSING ALL THIS DAILY VIOLENCE! We react to it and actively engage its proponents, yes, but if all these violent clowns would sit up straight and act like civilize men (and women) all these factions could end up getting much if not most of what each group wants. How? By peaceful, democratic processes.
    Ironically, there is an ancient model for just such a thing here. Socially speaking, the village/tribal sheik. Over the centuries, like all cultures, a process develops to govern themselves, resolve disputes, create order...provide for the common defense, ensure domestic tranquility(preamble folks, its good stuff)...hmm, you see where this is going, it sounds suspiciously like what everyone naturally gravitates toward! Democratic, representative government by peaceful consensus! Wow, what a concept.
    or to paraphrase yakov smirnoff, what a country! yes, the cradle of civilization could/can do it too!
    Yes, I have discussed this with many Iraqis; to wit, "why cant you just sit down in the manner of a gathering of tribal sheiks and reach a successful conclusion?" There is no need to resort to all this violence?! I exclaim.
    I havent recieved satisfactory answers yet but it sure gets them thinking and talking!!
    Anyway, a failure here condemns real men, women, children, tribes, families to more misery. They dont deserve that, if nothing else because now we/I are now fighting to give them a better life - so that, one day, maybe little johny jihad grows up to live at peace with those in this world different from himself! And believe me, since I am here now, I sure what my effort to count for something, like success!
    Yes, we are aware of how their different culture does business, which is slower than us with much more social interaction. (But the expediency of war sometimes negates such pleasantries)
    Yes, we do indeed live on 2 vastly different planets.
    Those who have the luxury to debate, disagree, protest, etc all live their lives in freedom and SECURITY! Something so precious, to lose it one should come here to appreciate it like the finest wine or most expensive gold, indeed it should be more cherished than mere trifles such as those.
    What would you do if your country melted down like here? Or bosnia in the 1990s?
    Good people have come with good intentions to try and make good of this mess. Numerous NGOs. But you know what? You do know what. The news accurately reported at how they were chased out by murderous raving thugs! (most set up shop in Jordon including the UN. Well, how do they get/achieve security there? The same way its done everyone else; by the power of guns and force. What? You think the Jordanian security and intell forces are 'nice guys'. Ha, Ive got a bridge to sell.) Red cross, aid organizations etc. You heard the horror on the internet. Its there if your into that kind of macabre disgusting propoganda,those jihadis offer nothing more than violence and destruction.
    You can hem and haw all you want from the comfort of a place already made secure by those willin and able to risk their own personal safety and security but here, its the world circa 1356, or 500 BC. Until that day of peace is achieved, evil incarnate must be confronted and destroyed until it acqueiesces.

  • At Tue Aug 23, 03:45:00 PM, Jeff said…

    Note, too, how my correspondent indicates soldiers over there, in harm's way, are aware of the media and anti-war Left are saying here.

    Many on the Left are quick to claim they "support our troops", yet they are painfully unaware of what message they are giving our troops. I had a related post about this a few days ago.

  • At Fri Aug 26, 02:22:00 AM, john grif said…

    What we're not seeing in the MSM are the photos of Iraq.

    Michael Yon and other Iraqi bloggers provide them.

    You can also see unique views at Stryker Brigade News.

    Pictures to share with our troops and to ponder here at home.

  • At Mon Aug 29, 12:52:00 PM, April said…

    While I understand the correspondent's position on the Sunnis' reluctant participation, I am sorry to see that some of their grievances with the constitutional draft are going unresolved.

    I am particularly sorry that the basis of law will be Islam, and not civil law. It will be very difficult for women to enjoy any sense of equality and justice as long as Islam is the basis of law.


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