Moses – Freeing Yourself to Know God

Lesson 6: “A Test of Maturity and Management” Exodus 15-18


“I will sing to the Lord for he is exalted…” Exodus 15:1


A song of victory

·        Main theme is stated in 15:1, and repeated in 15:21

·        There are three stanzas, each with a sub-theme and detailed description

1)     1st Stanza: Sub-theme (15:2) Detailed Description (15:3-5)

2)     2nd Stanza: Sub-theme (15:6) Detailed Description (15:7-10)

3)     3rd Stanza: Sub-theme (15:11) Detailed Description (15:12-18)

·        Think back on how Moses has changed. From worrying about himself and his own shortcomings, to here, praising God for Israel's successes

·        Moses can now handle success as well as failure, and he's done it by learning that 'I can do all things through God who strengthens me'


An awesome task

·        The cloud has been going before the Israelites (13:7-22) Remember what Hebrews said about far Moses has come in his spiritual life (Heb. 11:27-29) The people need some work, though…

·        The people complained about the bitter water at Marah (15:22-24) Moses, faced yet again with a grumbling people, immediately cried out to the Lord, and water was provided!

·        Next, the people complained about the lack of food, and even wished they had died (16:1-3) God fed the people for the next 40 years (16:1-36)

·        At Rephidim, they had no water whatsoever, Again, the people "quarreled with Moses" (17:2) Moses again cried out to the Lord, and water was provided

·        Before the Israelites left there, they were attacked by the Amalekites. Again, God provided in miraculous fashion. This ill-equipped people defeated a strong army (17:8-15)

·        A series of incidences where God provided for His people. What does it take for us to learn to trust in God?


An insightful observation

·        The Hebrews come to the Mount of God (18:5) There, Moses once again meets with his father-in-law. Remember Jethro? (18:6)

·        God's miracles were enough to have an impact on Jethro (18:8-12)

·        Jethro watched as Moses sat in judgment for long hours (18:13,14)

·        Jethro makes 3 suggestions for Moses and what his role should be

1)     Moses should serve as mediator between God and the people (18:19)

2)     Moses should communicate God's word, and teach the people (18:20)

3)     Moses needed to delegate responsibility (18:21-23)

3 Principles


#1) We'll always face the challenge of maintaining a proper view of ourselves in relation to God

#2) Management ability is a mark of spiritual maturity

#3) No matter what our spiritual maturity, we must always be open to advice and counsel


For next week read Exodus 32:1-35