Moses – Freeing Yourself to Know God

Lesson 3: “A Sincere But Self-centered Decision” Exodus 2:11-15; Acts 7:23-29


“Moses thought his people would recognize God was using him…” Acts 7:25


A sacrificial choice

·        Is it possible to be sincere and self-centered at the same time? Is being 'self-confident' and 'believing in ourselves' inherently wrong? But is there a difference between being 'self-confident' and 'self-centered'?

·        Somewhere, Moses must have become aware that God had plans for him. (See Acts 7:25)

·        Last week we saw how Moses chose to leave his life of luxury behind, and follow God's will for him. But Moses still had some things to learn…


The power of negative experiences

·        Moses had experienced only success to this point. From the brutal life as a slave, he was taken to Pharaoh's household. He had a lot going for him (position, education, charisma) But as we'll see, Moses still had a few things to learn about God's ways…

·        Perhaps after deciding to sever his relationships with the Egyptians, Moses began to notice just how the Hebrews were being treated. When Moses saw someone being beaten, Moses killed the Egyptian (Exod. 2:11,12)

·        But the reaction from the other Israelites was not what Moses expected. They pushed Moses aside, and questioned Moses' authority (Acts 7:26-27) Moses thought the Israelites would appreciate what Moses had given up for them (Acts 7:25)

·        Moses worried since that these two knew about Moses' crime, others must know (Exod. 2:14)

·        What's more, Pharaoh was looking for Moses (Exod. 2:15) It was bad enough Moses chose to leave Pharaoh's household (Heb. 11:24) Now, Moses has killed an Egyptian



·        Where could Moses go? He'd already burned his bridges with the Egyptians by rejecting Pharaoh and his daughter and killing an Egyptian. He couldn't stay with the Israelites. They wouldn't risk the wrath they would incur by harboring a murdered Pharaoh was looking for

·        Where did it go wrong, Moses must have thought. He'd given up so much for God, his motivation was to help the Israelites, even to the point of violence, and they rejected him, and he was now a hunted man. This is not how things were supposed to go!


Some insights

·        Moses' first mistake was to act out of emotion. He was angry at what he saw, he was moved to compassion, and he acted in the heat of the moment.

·        Moses was doing things in his own strength. There's no hint of Moses consulting God. Moses thought by going through with his choice, by acting as he saw fit, God's plan would happen.

3 Principles


#1) Decisions that are more emotional than rational often can get us into trouble

#2) God wants us to tackle challenges in His strength, but at the same time use our talents and abilities

#3) Christians will experience rejection for doing the will of God, but sometimes it's due to our mistakes


For next week read Exodus 2:15-25; 3:1-22; 4:1-20