Daniel – Standing Firm For God

Lesson 1: "Reaping What You Sow" Daniel 1:1-12

"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself…" Daniel 1:8

Will the real wicked king please stand up?

Jerusalem’s doom

The University of Babylon

4 Principles

#1) As Christians, our responsibility is to demonstrate love, unity and purity throughout a society that is becoming more and more pagan (Phil 2:15,16; James 1:27)

#2) We should use every legal right to help restore biblical values in our nation without losing sight of our primary task – the Great Commission

#3) To live in God’s will day to day, we must begin with the decision always to honor God in our lives (Romans 12:1,2)

#4) When we live and work in an environment out of harmony with God’s will, we must make decisions based on God’s principles rather than legalistic rules

For next week, read Daniel 1:9-21